Sunday 14 December 2008

Christmas tomfoolery

Ooh look! It's the Merry Chris Mouse!How does Good King Wenclesas like his pizza?
Deep pan, crisp and even!

Who dresses up in wrapping paper and frightens Ebeneezer Scrooge?
The Ghost of Christmas Present!

Scrooge appears in "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens

What happens if you eat Christmas decorations?
You get tinselitis!

Why does Father Christmas carry an umbrella?
Because of the reindeer!

Why do we put a fairy on top of the Christmas tree?
Because elephants are too heavy!

What's top secret and covered in pastry?
A mince spy!

-- what's Christmassy about that?


Why does Santa Claus have ducks on his sleigh?
They're Christmas quackers!

Christmas carrots

We don't always get the words right when we're singing songs. Here are some of our favourites from Christmas concerts.

"We three kings of porridge and tar..."

"Oh Wayne in a manger..."

"On the first day of Christmas my tulip gave to me..."

"Noël, Noël, Barney's the King of Israel!"

"...Oh what fun it is to ride with one horse, soap and hay!"

Santa's little hopeless Things to do and make

You'll find Christmas craft tables in most of our libraries this month. Why not see what you can make?
Thanks to everyone involved in getting everything together for the craft tables and a special big thanks to Barbara for making so very many cut-out shapes for us.

Christmas craft books in our libraries.

We bumped into this page
with links to lots of fun things to do for Christmas