Wednesday 21 November 2007

Wednesday afternoon riddles

It's drizzly weather and I've got a really bad cold so I need cheering up with some daft riddles. Let me know if you've got any that are as silly -- click on "comments" to tell me them.

Q: Why don't ducks fly upside-down?
A: They'd quack up!

Q: Do restaurants serve crabs?
A: Yes, so long as they can pay the bill afterwards!

Q: What's the difference between an oak tree and a tight shoe?
A: One makes acorns, the other makes corns ache!

Q: What's yellow and stupid?

A: Thick custard!

Q: Where were English kings usually crowned?
A: On the head!

Q: What's the best cure for insomnia?
A: A good night's sleep!

(One for the oldies...)
Q: If King Midas sat on gold, who sat on silver?
A: The Lone Ranger!

Q: What's yellow and always points north?
A: A magnetic banana!

Q: What has 16 legs, a bra and whistles through the woods?
A: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Books of riddles in our libraries

Monday 12 November 2007

upside-down writing: why are you reading this upside down?

Friday 9 November 2007

Remembrance Day

British Legion poppiesSunday is Remembrance Day, when we commemorate people who have fought and died in wars.

It is also Armistice Day, which celebrates the ending of the First World War (which officially ended at 11.00am on the 11th of November 1918).

A rainy day thought

a giant squid attacking a sailing ship

Some days you just want to stay inside where it's warm and dry and read a book.

Monday 5 November 2007

Bonfire Night

We hope you have a safe and careful Bonfire Night. Please take care around bonfires and fireworks. We want you to have fun, but we want to have you safe and sound tomorrow!