Tuesday 24 August 2010

Space Hop - The story so far

Over 1,300 children have signed up for Space Hop but there's still plenty of time to start. The challenge is to read 6 books and visit the library four times - once to start and the next three visits to tell us about two books you have read. There are little prizes along the way to keep you coming back, my favourite is the rainbow pencil.

Tuesday 17 August 2010

Aliens from Outer Space Invade The Wheatsheaf Library

Families from Newbold Children's Centre came to The Wheatsheaf Library to join in the fun today.
Q Pootle 5 with his alien voice machine and flying saucer was the star of the story show, putting Hebden Rat's nose out of joint as his retelling of The Pied Piper of Hamelin came a close second in popularity despite a rousing chorus of "Dem rats, dem rats, dem bad rats!" We told that story as we had travelled down a time portal to Hamelin.
Speaking of time portals, don't forget to check out the kids' portal on our website. click here
you will see the entrance to the kids' portal on the top line of the screen.
When we got back there was just enough time to make an alien mask, I'm sure it was modelled on me!

Pondering Ponds

I teamed up with Touchstones and Bob Bevan, the Broadfield Park Warden for a pond dip.

As well as learning about some fascinating wildlife right on the doorstep we found dragonflies, ramshorn snails, water boatmen, beetle larvae and many more! I was able to show the families that came along where they can discover more about ponds at their library.
As well as stories there are books on building your own pond, the creatures that live in them and how to identify what you might find on a pond dip. Don't forget there are some brilliant websites that you can find free by asking to use one of the computers in the library, for example
click here

Space Hop - The Rochdale Frontier

I've been telling as many people as I can about Space Hop - this Summer's Reading Challenge. I've been sharing my favourite stories along the way too. Here's me sharing "The Wide-Mouthed Frog"
Even if you're not a wide-mouthed frog there's still plenty of time to hop to your library and join Space Hop - we don't re-enter the Earth's atmosphere here in Rochdale until Saturday 25th September.

Wardle Tenants and Residents Association had a fun day so I took along "Uninvited Guests" from the Bag Books. A story with a water pistol on a hot day goes down a treat!

Rochdale Readers made "Five Little Men in a Flying Saucer" finger puppets - and I finally learnt the tune to go with the rhyme.

Thursday 5 August 2010

Two and a half thousand year old story found at library!

It's true!
Not many children know about Aesop's Fables these days, at least, not under that title but tell them about
"The Hare and the Tortoise" and the nods of recognition and "Ah yes!" goes round the audience. There's been a good book around for quite a few years now "Aesop's Funky Fables" stories retold by Vivian French and illustrated by Korky Paul.
You'll find "The Hare and the Tortoise" in the collection but my own favourite is "The Fox and the Crow" I like to tell it with puppets as it is a very visual story, especially the punchline where Crow opens his beak to sing and the cheese falls to the ground for Fox to eat - OH NO!- I've given away the ending! The picture shows Charlie Chough (he's the one with the cheese in his beak, mmmm! Looks like a nice piece of Gruyere!) and Basil in their favourite roles.

Cheering up a tearful vampire whilst calming tigers

I knew Bag Books were good but today I really did cheer up a tearful vampire and keep three tigers spellbound!
You may have guessed already but the stories were told at an event where face painting had been one of the attractions. I've been twice this week to tell stories at a get together for looked after children and the looker afterers! The three tigers said they had been earlier in the week! I know my memory is getting worse but I really think I would have remembered if tigers had sat down to listen before!