Tuesday 17 August 2010

Space Hop - The Rochdale Frontier

I've been telling as many people as I can about Space Hop - this Summer's Reading Challenge. I've been sharing my favourite stories along the way too. Here's me sharing "The Wide-Mouthed Frog"
Even if you're not a wide-mouthed frog there's still plenty of time to hop to your library and join Space Hop - we don't re-enter the Earth's atmosphere here in Rochdale until Saturday 25th September.

Wardle Tenants and Residents Association had a fun day so I took along "Uninvited Guests" from the Bag Books. A story with a water pistol on a hot day goes down a treat!

Rochdale Readers made "Five Little Men in a Flying Saucer" finger puppets - and I finally learnt the tune to go with the rhyme.

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