Wednesday 21 November 2007

Wednesday afternoon riddles

It's drizzly weather and I've got a really bad cold so I need cheering up with some daft riddles. Let me know if you've got any that are as silly -- click on "comments" to tell me them.

Q: Why don't ducks fly upside-down?
A: They'd quack up!

Q: Do restaurants serve crabs?
A: Yes, so long as they can pay the bill afterwards!

Q: What's the difference between an oak tree and a tight shoe?
A: One makes acorns, the other makes corns ache!

Q: What's yellow and stupid?

A: Thick custard!

Q: Where were English kings usually crowned?
A: On the head!

Q: What's the best cure for insomnia?
A: A good night's sleep!

(One for the oldies...)
Q: If King Midas sat on gold, who sat on silver?
A: The Lone Ranger!

Q: What's yellow and always points north?
A: A magnetic banana!

Q: What has 16 legs, a bra and whistles through the woods?
A: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Books of riddles in our libraries

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