Friday 31 August 2007

Make yourself a pirate mouse!

template for a pirate mouse Here's a pirate mouse finger puppet for you to make. All you need is a little bit of glue or sticky tape to hold it together.

Click on the big picture of the pirate mouse and print that page out (you don't need any special paper for this -- cheap copy paper works very well).

Carefully cut along the outside lines to make the finger puppet shape. (If you want to colour in the picture it's easiest to do it before you cut it out).

Now roll the mouse into a cone shape: starting at the nose, join the two long sides together so that the dotted lines meet. The puppet should now look like a small ice cream cone. It'll look like this:
the pirate mouse rolled up - top view the pirate mouse rolled up - side view

Now stick the ends together with a dab of glue or some sticky tape.

Finally, fold the mouse's hat so that it sticks up instead of lying flat

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