Saturday 13 November 2010

Balderstone and the Monster in the Park

I was asked to create my Frankenstein's Monster story at Balderstone Library, or more accurately, in the park surrounding the library. The Friends of Balderstone Park provided refreshments and a huge number of families were scared to death (not) as I told the tale of the building of the monster. This is helped along by "feely boxes" representing bits of the monster, for example, "The first body wasn't very good, but Igor managed to find some fingers and toes that he though could be used - and in a box only big enough to get one hand in you are encouraged to feel the fingers (part cooked carrots smeared with margarine). My favourite (and last) part of the monster is the brain - a par-boiled cauliflower, liberally covered in marge. Even the smell adds to the atmosphere of the story.
This year the story ended "and with one sigh deep in it's throat the monster came to life. It spoke "I want......I WANT hot dogs and jacket potatoes, now being served by the Friends of Balderstone Park" stampede of eager hungry listeners!

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